IRWIN 1984 - 1987
Irwin was the first company to officially mass-produce Pound Puppies. The Canadian-based company created puppies using one body style with three different ear styles, six body colors and three different eye colors, some with spots and some without.
Irwin's first pups had hand-painted eyes just like Bowling's handmade ones. Their second run of pups had embroidered eyes and a softer, furrier fabric, and the third and final run had plastic eyes and noses covered in fabric.
Variety of colors and styles, ranging from 13-15 inches long

Slightly smaller than the normal sizes, coming in at 8-9 inches. Each came with a velcro ribbon collar.

These are both in normal and newborn sizes

Mommies and Babies
These are normal sized pups with velcro pouches on the belly. Inside she holds 3 small babies that are 6 inches long.

These are a mid-sized plush, right between standard and newborn.

At Play
These are normal sized pups in special poses. The three poses are sitting, standing, and play-bow position.

Yuppies At Play
These are smaller but have the same poses as the regular At Play line.


Pur-R-ries Newborns

Pur-R-ries Furries

Pur-R-ies Furries Newborns


Pastel Pups

Pocket Pups

Talking Pups