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To make categorizing every puppy a little easier, we've decided to use a special naming system. This allows every single plush item to be given a unique code that helps us quickly identify that plush. In an instant we can know the brand/company name, the year they were produced, size, style, animal, color, ear style, and any special characteristics they have.


Here is an example: T86-7.5NB0-WBr-S. This means that the plush is a 1986 Tonka Newborn puppy that is 7.5 inches, is white with brown and has short ears.


Letter of brand/company:

BF = Basic Fun

F = Flair/Paw Prints

FR = Funrise

G = Galoob

H = Hornby

Has = Hasbro

I = Irwin

JK = Jakks Pacific

KO = Knock-Off

MM - Mary Meyer

MT = Mattel

PM = Playmates

T = Tonka


Animal Type:

0 = Dog

1 = Cat

2 = Pig

3 = Bunny

4 = Horse/Pony

5 = Cow

6 = Ocean

7 = Jungle

8 = Dinosaur

9 = Bear

# = Other


Year produced (last two numbers only)

Example: 1986 becomes 86.


Size (1-2 numbers, can use a decimal)

Example: 7.5 is 7 and a half inches long



AP = At Play

BB = Beanbag

B&S = Brush N’ Style

BX = Box Houses

C80 = Classic 80s

F = Furries

FC = Fuzzy Cuddles

FF = Frolicking Friends

FP = Fashion Pup

FPP = Finger puppets

GPG = Go Puppy Go!

H = Holiday

HM = Handmade

HP = Hand puppet

HPP = Here, Puppy Puppy

HW = Happy Wags

M = Mini

MM = Moms of Minis

M&B = Mommy and babies

N = Normal

NB = Newborn

PD = Puppy Dreams

PB = Purebreds

PH - Ponytail holders

PMP = Pick Me Pups

PP = Playful Poses

PPY = Yappies/Yuppies

RS = Rumpleskins

SE = Special Edition

WA = Wag Alongs

WS = World’s Smallest

WW = Wiggle n’ Walk

XL = Extra Large



Self-explanatory. Aside from obvious colors like black and white, there are a few we have named to differentiate from other colors. For example, Taupe is a grayish-brown, not just gray.

B = Blue

Br = Brown

BK = Black

BW = Black with white

BrB = Brown w/black

BrD = Brown w/dark brown

BT = Brown Tabby

BrW = Brown w/white

C = Cream/off-white/beige

Cb = Cream w/brown

CB = Cream w/black

CC = Calico

Ch = Chocolate

CT = Cream Tabby

Dal = Dalmatian

Drb = Dark brown

DrB = Dark brown w/black

G = Gray

Gbr = Gray w/brown

GB = Gray w/black

GG = Gray w/ dark gray

Gn = Green

GT = Gray Tabby

O = Orange

OT = Orange tabby

Pk = Pink

Pr = Purple

R = Red

Rb = Reddish brown

RB = Red w/black

RW = Red w/white

S = Siamese

TP = Taupe (grayish-brown)

T = Tan

Tri = Tricolor

W = White

Wbr = White w/brown

WB = White w/black

WT = White tabby

Y = Yellow


Ear Style

L = Long

LB = Long, lays over back

S = Short

F = Folded

FL = Floppy (bunny)

P = Pointy

UD = Up and down

Other Characteristics

C+ = Complete

IN = Incomplete

K = Keychain

NIB = New in Box

NOC = New on Card

M = Music

MG = Magnets

MV = Moving parts

S = Sound

Sqz = Squeezable

SqR = Squeaker

V = Variant


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